Well today is officially one week since I got sick. And I’m still sick. This…whatever it is started like a stomach flu, moved into fevers, body aches, and general malaise and on Friday turned into a standard cold. My poor nose, skin about the lip and lips themselves are scaly, red and sore from all the nose-blowing over the last few days. I’ve used two boxes of tissues and look and sound like hell. Love’s not doing much better. He caught up to me with the “cold” portion of this plague on Saturday morning and hasn’t stopped coughing since.
We were supposed to go to Rand’s Mom’s house today for a belated get-together for his birthday last weekend, but we’re just both too sick still and don’t want to get everyone else sick. So we had to call and bow out.
Tomorrow I’m facing going back to work. Not sure how I’m supposed to talk on the phone for six straight hours when I can barely breathe and get winded just speaking. That is, of course, if I still have a job to go back too. Thursday I was late because of being sick and had missed Tuesday (Wednesday is my day off) and had “the talk” about my attendance again. Which I know, but there’s not much I can do about being sick. Then Friday, I woke up way early in the morning – like 6:30am – and was just too sick to even contemplate making it to work and had to call in. So yeah…who knows. There’s a distinct possibility I may be fired tomorrow as a result of being sick last week.
So a real red-letter week all around.
I just want to stop being sick. I just want to feel better. And it seems like that’s never going to happen at this point.