Big day tomorrow. Love goes in for his hernia repair tomorrow. He’s nervous, I’m a wreck and the place is a disaster. Getting sick with the food poisoning was the worst timing ever since it left me in a lurch this week preparing for his surgery.
Never got the tree down Sunday because I wasn’t feeling well, then slept through Monday and Tuesday only just barely was able to get up and off the couch. Today, I pushed through massive fatigue and dizzy spells to straighten up the house somewhat, get the village and other Christmas decorations (except the tree) packed up, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, etc. I kept having to stop and sit because the room would spin and my limbs would shake. Dammit! I don’t have time to be fighting off the after effects of this damned virus. Plus, I still have a stack of orders sitting here packed, ready to ship but I couldn’t take them as I’m not allowed to drive on my anti-nausea meds (as they cause really dizziness, etc.) Won’t happen tomorrow either since it’s surgery day!
Now I’m off to take a shower since we have an 8:30am report time to the surgery center and I want to try to get as much done tonight as possible instead of waiting for the morning.
Oh yeah, and of course, I’m nervous about the surgery and frustrated things didn’t go smoothly as planned this week to prepare for it. But I lost the whole week being sick so there’s not much more I can do about it now.
Send some good thoughts his way tomorrow if you would please! It’s apparently a 2.5 -3 hour surgery so we’re both a bit nervous and worried that it all goes well. Just in a whirlwind of panic and worry and frustration here all rolled into one.