Valentine’s Day evening was when I first realized I was sick. And I spent the next few days just in the typical, miserable fog of a cold. By Friday, I finally felt like the worst of it was over. With Love’s birthday coming up the following day, I ran an errand to the store to get some gift wrap and his ice cream cake.
Just that made me pretty tired and I was a little concerned for our plans for Saturday to head over to Disney for his birthday. And Saturday morning I woke up and had some stomach upset which got us off to a late start but we still got there by around 2pm.
We walked around Epcot, window shopping and browsing for a few hours. Then, around 5pm or so we headed over to the Magic Kingdom. It was really busy there because of the holiday weekend but we wandered around for a little bit before our dinner reservations.
Love’s brother was going to come with us originally, but wound up not being able to so we checked in a little early and since we were only two instead of three, they got us seated really quick. Dinner was good and Love and I enjoyed both the meal and the company. We laughed and enjoyed each others company. They came and sang for him too and brought him a cupcake with a birthday candle. He hated it but I laughed. (And took video of the whole thing on my digital camera to preserve the moment!)
Unfortunately, his vertigo has been a real problem again lately, after almost completely going away a couple months ago. (We still have no idea what’s causing it or why it comes on or why it went away for awhile, etc. He saw his primary doc, an ENT and even had an MRI and a ton of different course of meds and we still have no answer.) Well it hit – hard – shortly after eating. He got sick and just felt awful, so we just left and headed home.
We were originally planning on staying much later but with our passes, it’s not a big deal if we have to leave early one day. (It’s not like we paid for a regular, expensive day ticket or anything.) I felt bad that his evening had to end on a lower note like that but he still said he had a really good day despite the vertigo.
I was pretty tired from all the walking around on Saturday, but the sneezing/running nose/blowing my nose is almost completely over. I’ve got a little bit of gunk that is still coming out but I’m definitely on the mend. Yay for being over the cold!
So that was the weekend and Love’s birthday.