New blog entry: Becoming A Habit Another trip to the ER last night. (Love and I are both fine.) # Just joined the @Smarterer BzzCampaign! Sign up now and start testing your Facebook and Twitter skills #imabzzagent # Just joined the Philips SatinPerfect Epilator BzzCampaign – ready for smooth legs that last up…
Month: February 2012
Becoming A Habit
This whole spending the night at the ER thing is getting a little too common these days! First, let me assure you both I and Love are well. But late yesterday afternoon, we didn’t know that for sure. Love has his umbilical hernia repair surgery back on January 12th. Because of this, he is, of…
Twitter Updates for 2012-02-02
Bandwidth – The Revenge Having gone over bandwidth again yesterday, the site is back today. #IamObamaCare # Powered by Twitter Tools
Bandwidth – The Revenge
And…we’re back. Again. Yesterday afternoon, we hit our bandwidth limit for the second time. (Using over 20GB of transfer just for the month of January!!) I didn’t bother emailing support asking for more because it was the last 1/2 day of the month and it would reset overnight for February. Well, this morning, I checked…
Twitter Updates for 2012-02-01
I'm #reading The Bride Wore Black Leather by Simon R. Green # Gone over bandwidth 2x this month: 20096.65 of 20000MB So we'll be back tomorrow. Not going to bother for 1/2 a day. #IamObamaCare # How funny is this? The lady in my leasing office just asked me if I was the girl…