Happy 50th Birthday Donald Parade, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World 1984

I first went to Walt Disney World in 1984. I was like seven or eight years old.
Back in those days, there were only two parks; Magic Kingdom and Epcot. We had three day passes.

1984 was also Donald Duck's 50th Birthday. And they threw parades every day for the event. They even sang a song which I'll never forget. Happy Birthday, it's Donald's Birthday! Happy, Happy Birthday to you! (*clap clap*)

My mom dutifully took pics of the event. Which, 20 years later, I found and scanned. They were pretty low quality and needed some color adjustment, but I thought that, it now being 2004 and Donald is celebrating his 70th Birthday (though sadly, no parades), it was the perfect time to share them and take a look back.

Other Donald Duck 50th Birthday Sites
There's not a lot out there folks. A few passing mentions of it, a handful of people who remember the Birthday song but pretty much no pictures or pages anywhere. These were the only two that really mention it at all.

Donald Duck & Star Wars CBS Special - Transcript of a tv special that I must admit not recalling at all
StartedbyaMouse.com - Anniversary page which briefly mentions Donald's 50th Birthday

Comments? Memories? Photos?
Let's talk! missm(at)giveneyestosee.com

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