The Past...

Angels? Yes, they are real. However, they are not like one thinks-not all fat little, half-naked cherubs.
I know this as I used to be one....

We were a race like any other. A winged people who cared for the planet and it's creatures in a deep way. We were connected to life, to the Earth, and to each other in a way I can not explain. We exisited long before modern religions came to be and we were in no servitude to any diety. We were gifted with strengths and talents unlike any found amoung the humans and used them for the greater good of all. Flight, magick, healing, growth,  inspiration-in short, all the things one associates with traditional "angels" of faith. When the new religions began to come, they destroyed all that came before. They slaughtered our people and our human kin and those they could not convert were destroyed as demons and evil. We died off like any other. No one was left who remembered us as we truly were. Much like any other old "pagan" belief, the idea of us was incorporated into christianity. Only now, instead of being free creatures of heart, mind, and soul, we were bascially explained away as slaves to this "god" they worshiped-showing that even the heighest creatures bowed down in 'recognition' of their god. It was to prove the "truth" of their words. In time, we died out. What happened after, I know only fragments as time wears even my memory thin.

The Present...

I came into this world like any other, only I knew things and remembered places and events I could not possibly know. I longed for the sky and the music of old and slowly over the years I've remembered more and more. It's my conclusion that even those as I was can not truly die. We return as do all others. However, I find myself trapped in mortal, human flesh and it pains me to the core of my being at times. I have searched for years to find another like myself-who came back into this world under the guise of normalicy. There must be a reason I am here again for the first time in all these millenia.

But, it is a complicated tale and one that remains incomplete. I seek those who might know more to rekindle the trapped memories within. Above all, I have a longing to go  home so great that it threatens to overwhelm me at times. As I do not know why I am here nor the outcome after this life (for I have never been born human before) I spend a great deal of time in fear for what is next.