Questions & Answers...

Is this for real? You mean metaphorically, right?
This is very real. Unfortunatly, I can not make you believe something you're not willing to accept. When I speak of magick, angels, wings, etc. I mean them all as the words literally mean. The only part of this site that's fiction is the poems and rambles (but even those are based on real events and real emotions, so they're not even entirely fiction themselves) One of the biggest challenges in my life and to get to the point where I am now that I can opnely accept these things, is the rampent disbelief of mankind. I hold that it was this very fact that ended up destroying my race in the first place. Where do the old gods go when there is no one left to believe? How can one be a god without a people to protect?

Additionally, I've found that no matter how in-depth I may go into my memories with a person, or how detailed we talk, that the memories just don't seem to stick. It's often seemed to me that the human mind can not fully hold this knowledge without constant re-inforcement. Otherwise it just seems to slip from the mind. (From a person knowing and believing you, to a person remembering a neat story you told, to a person finally remembering some weird dreams or something about you but not really anything of substance) It's very odd.

So you're christian/catholic/a messanger of "god"?
No. None of the above. Read through it again. I am not speaking of any race which is in slavery to a god. Modern definition of "angel" is so very, very wrong...I do not even believe in modern religion, but this is a topic for another day. I'll post a more in-depth description of my faith at a later date. (read this: "personal meaning of  faith")

What does "angelic" mean to you?
I use the term "angel" as it gives the closet idea of what I speak. It is not entirely correct, but it at least gives the general idea. What I mean truly when I say I am angelic, is I refer to my now-exitinct race which was a cross between a "god" and a "man". We were both a channel  to and a piece of the Divine. This is a hard thing to explain as people instantly insert their own label into the sentence when I say "Divine" or "Grace" Please know I do not speak of any modern, physical representation of a deity, what I mean is the broadest, most open-ended concept of the Light-the power, wonder, and magick at the driving center of the Universe. We were both a conduit and a piece of that Light given form. We possessed a connection to all things and acted as Guides and teachers. We aided and taught the ancient races and we in turn were honored by them. We brought music and song unto them and they  gave us their dreams and their wonder. They were our children and we cared for them as we did all of Nature's splendor. We were eternal-the chroniclers of Time and the Witness to Life. (also see this: Angel Types )

How does one tell if they are angelic?
Well, I really can't say for others. I just always kinda "knew"-long before I knew that I was different or that there was something odd about it. I have always (to this day) been able to still feel my wings and I remember times so long ago I can't even set a date for them. To really get the story, I suggest you read the section of my site entitled "Reflections of Me" It's the dawning of the realization and the understanding what it was that was different.

Magick and the Angel-is there a connetion? What kinds of powers, magicks, or talents do you posess?
I always knew I had magick. I knew that I could talk to the wind and the trees, that I could call the wind to blow, make or hold off a thunderstorm. And later when I moved south, that I could also talk to the ocean. I'm very elemental. I have a strong connection to all of Nature. I've also always had a strong sense of energy. I have always been empathic bordering at times on telepathic. (meaning I can almost always get a "feel" of a person, but sometimes I will also get a thought or an image as well) I have occassional and limited precog that comes mainly in dreams. However, I unfortunatly have no control over when I dream True. I have always been aware of the ebb and flow of energy between people and places. At first, I would sometimes draw off that energy, but I quickly realized the addictive nature of that 'high'  and stopped. Now, when I need to recharge, I do so from Nature. (I'll go out and walk the beach at night and at the connection of the sea, the sky, and the earth, I will offer my thanks, supplication, and accept renewed strength.) Sometimes, in a large crowd-at say a concert, or a sporting event-I may just allow myself to float along with the waves of emotions and it can be a rush, but it generally leaves me with a bad headache. (much too much to stay open to for a long time) I have always found that the use of a gesture or sign with my hands helps focus my will. It's a tool for me to properly translate the change or effect I wish.

Something else that I have rarely heard of in others is my ability to affect probability. I can changes the odds and make something turn out in a fixed way. Not always and not on everything, but a perfect example is a baseball game I attended while vacationing in Montreal. I'm American, so I wanted the canadian team to lose. There wasn't much to work with from the audience, but I was able to shape the events and would just know the outcome of the pitch before it finished. The last pitch ended in a home run that I knew would happen because I remember waving my finger in an out-of-the-park motion. Not a few seconds later, it happened. It's a very weird experience and one I try to limit as I know that my energy surges A LOT and draws a ton of attention to me for those who know what to look for. (generally, I try to be subtle and quite about things)

How does this show itself in your life?
It's weird in that it does and it does not. I've always just known things. And to this day, I will see something on say, the Discovery channel about an anceient civilization and just remember things that no one would possibly be able to know. I remember helping and aiding and most of all, I remember the gifts of flight and music. It's painful sometimes and it hurts to be here. (For I have no idea if I am alone or not, if there are others, if we were destroyed or disbelieved into oblivion...etc. And I have no idea if I will ever be whole again) I have always felt apart from the "norms" and sometimes I rage against being so much like them now (and so dependant on them). And yet, I find that I truly care and go out of my way to help people in need. It's just something I can't help but do. I still feel proctective of humanity if that makes any sense.

more to come-contact me if there is something you wish me to address. I'm trying to gather my thoughts to better relate this to you all.