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Monday, February 12, 2001

...home sick...dizzy, shaky, weak...and oh, does my head hurt...migraine of the worst caliber crushing my skull...can't sleep, can't rest, just laying here in pain...the light of the computer moniter is blindingly bright so I can't stay on right now. I'll try to post later (esp in the Castle-I've been meaning to forever now!) but this headache has to go away...

ps why is it when I am trying to do something as quickly as possible-like adding this brief status update-that things go wrong and take forever?? Damn ftp won't transfer correctly and all I want to do is get away from this white screen...I feel like I'm going to puke from this migraine!

pss it's now like two hours later and I'm trying again.

psss (11:22pm) I originally wrote this at like 1pm. I'm hoping the damn thing will publish. Wouldn't work all day, trying once more before I give up and head to bed...

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