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Sunday, February 11, 2001

Just a moment of quick plug here... I almost didn't do it. Made it, had it sitting and ready for weeks now, but I finally decided. I'd like to present, Embracing Mystery: The Light, the Dark, the Grey. It's a place for talk of Otherkin, magick, wonders, mysteries, ghosts, ufos, and other unexplained or misunderstood happenings. Drop by, and tell me what you think! *Note: Looking for people with a speciality to be Moderators!*

Beyond that...ugh. Can't believe the weekend is over already...I'm of course dreading the week to come. Where oh where did my weekend go? Brought home a bunch of shit work to do-never did it. Now it's like 10pm and I still have other more important things to do (like take a shower, get some things ready for the week, etc.)...sucks. Whatever though, I am NOT going to stay up late, not get sleep just to do the stupid work. No fucking way.

**Any men reading...just stop now-fair warning!***
Ok, I warned you...so, it's that time again...favorite time of the month when life gets that much more hellish. Of course, I'm not supposed to have this problem anymore-that's what I take the Pill for-but, well, chalk it up to yet another thing I don't respond properly to. Yuck. And since my worst day-of-hell is always day Two and I just started today, guess what Monday will bring? Joy. I can't do this shit. I really can't...

Anyway, no news yet on the changing jobs front. My recruiter and I failed to connect this weekend like we were supposed to, so now...? All I know is that I want out. For now though, I'm off to enjoy the last hour and a half or so of freedom left to me...

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