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Tuesday, October 30, 2001

Boo. (well, almost...not til tomorrow! *lol*)

Just a quickie entry again since I'm at work. Getting ready for Halloween...got a new pair of fangs (since my old ones were too large to wear comfortably for any amount of time) and I'm redying my hair tonight (same shade, Wild Cinnamon) I also picked up a dirt cheap pair of pleather pants and dammit, I'm going to be one sharp (ha) looking vampire. All I need now is a nice pair of small, round, sunglasses I can wear all night and I'm set. (Anne Rice eat your heart out!)

Joolo, my Love, and I are attending a party tomorrow at the Witch's house and I'm borrowing my friend Rand's digital camera, so I'll snag some pics to put up. It should be a fun time. (Just stinks that it's a work night! Bah) Lots to do tonight to get ready!

Anyway, happy halloween to the general public and happy Samhain to all my fellow pagans (may you have a wonderful New Year!)

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