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Wednesday, December 19, 2001

Not a real entry today either - just not enough time - but a quick note and a couple images to tide you over. Tonight I'm being dragged (reluctantly) to see "Lord of the Rings." I may be the only person in the country who could not only care less, but rather not see it, but eh...trying to be nice. My Love is super excited about it, as are all my friends and we have a group of seven going tonight, so I'm coming along to be social. Ick though, I do not like anything having to do with Tolkien. *waits for people to pick up their jaws* Yeah, yeah...amazing writer or whatever (I wouldn't know, I simply refuse to read his works) I've been turned off by them since I was a very small child and to this day I want nothing to do with it. ANYWAY...gotta get out of here on time to make it the 20 miles home PLUS get over to the theater like another 15 or so away. *whew*

That said...here's a cool image I took on my friend Rand's camera the other night that I just liked. Believe it or not, it looks a lot better full size and makes a pretty decent wallpaper. (I'm just not that narcistic to have my own pic on my desktop!)

Also, here's a pic of our tree...the pic doesn't look as good as it does in real life, but..eh...oh well:

And, in case you wanted a little more of the current digital pics of M, you can check out these here:
Page One
Page Two

Not the most exciting, but...it's something. More as I get a chance to use the camera!

Gotta run though...take care!

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