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Wednesday, March 21, 2001

I know...slacker...I try to be so good about updating this thing, but I'm just not. It's something I'll think about Oh, I need to update my blog... but not something I ever sit down to do.

Let's see. Recent updates.
Iron: Well, done with the iron treatments (and damn it is nice to be done getting stuck everyday). Red blod cell count has gone up to 11.1 (12 is normal) but, this is from a base of 6.8 (yeah, I was only slightly screwed before). Happy to report, I've noticed a difference. I don't feel like walking dead anymore. I can walk a block and not be panting for air. It's nice. I'm free for a month, then I'll be back to get another draw and CBC to determine how much I'm preserving my iron-ie: how much I'm losing vs. how much I'm absorbing from my diet. If they balance out like they're supposed to, then I will be good for awhile and not need iron boosters. If I lose too much and/or am not absorbing anything from diet (a scary but true possibility), then I will need monthly boosters or so. A month and counting to find out how I'll be spending my life...if I require the iron through IV because I don't absorb any/enough from food, it's going to be hemotologists in my schedule for a long time to come... (try another oh, 25 years or so of child-bearing years) Oh well. I rather be healthy and if it means a ten minute IV once a month, so be it...

Job: Well, interview yesterday. There were actually TWO positions for which they were reviewing me. One was for their marketing/promotions department and the other was for their HR department. (jeez, do a couple month's worth of recruiting and HR is eager to talk to you). I was in the interview for about an hour and a half. Most of that time was spent joking and laughing with them-they were both very nice. They called in two other people to meet me, they talked to me as well, and they pretty much told me they wanted me. It was nice. So, I got home, called the recruiter who got me the interview and told her that I was very open to the positions and that I probably could do their Marketing one better based on my previous experience, but I would also be willing to accept the HR one-but it'd come with a higher learning curve for me.

Got a call back about an hour later and she told me "Congratulations!" They wanted me. They agreed with my assesment and I'll be taking the Marketing/Promotions position with them. I'll find out today when I'm going to start. They pay is pretty good (not nearly as high as it was when I was driving 50 miles a day) but that's ok, this is just a few miles down the road. I think it's more then worth it. Besides, I am in such desperate need of a job, I am no where near complaining. Yes, I would have liked another buck an hour, but hey, beggers can NOT be choosers. Besides, it's temp to perm, so who knows? Perhaps in 90 days when they're not paying the personel fee, they may give me a raise. The good thing here is that I will not be going homeless, carless, or helpless anymore! Yippie!

Love: Well...things are good and things are bad...we're spending more time together which is good, but sometimes, it's still tense which is bad. On the whole though, I think we're being more attentive to each other-slowly but it's happening-and that's a very good thing. Gods, I never want to lose him. I simply love him FAR too much... You know, I always used to think it was silly the way people would go on and on about how they couldn't deal with breaking up and I would think, "jeez, get a life, it's just a relationship..." but...now, I think I understand. Only hope I understand enough that we both end up happier because of these troubles...

Today: Well, my poor sister had to put her cat to sleep yesterday-she had a heart mummer which lead to a blood clot that mostly paralyzed her back legs. (the vet said it was a lot like a stroke for a human) She couldn't walk and there wasn't much they could do. Low survival chance, lots of tests and pain, overall bad prognosis for any chance of recovery. The cat-an adorable little calico named "Cookie"-was only seven years old. My sister rescued her from the street when she lived in New Orleans. Poor thing had been savagely attacked by a large dog and had most of her little front paw chewed off. Hours of volunteered vet time saved the paw and her life and my sister took her in. Yesterday was a terrible day. A horrible choice and one that she's feeling guilty over. (even though she shouldn't) I was on the phone with her last night until midnight and told her I'd come up and be with her today. She needs the support. I know some people will think it's silly, but it's not. Cookie was not just a "pet"-she was a memeber of my sister's family. She was a friend and was deeply loved. And she will be deeply missed.

On that note, I'll go ahead and close. Just remember to make the moments count. Life is such a fragile thing-so light and delicate-that you never know from one day to the next what comes next. Rejoice in the moments you have, the laughs, the smiles, the good things that make your day. Take the time to remind those you care about that you're there for them and always spend a moment appreciating who's in your life now so you never feel regret or remorse you missed the chance.

Be well everyone and take care...

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