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Friday, February 08, 2002


Just when I thought my week was over and I could have two wonderful, uninterrupted days off to rest, relax, and get caught up on my life I have to work tomorrow. ARG. Here's why working an unscheduled Saturday sucks. (besides it being Saturday and besides the fact last Saturday was my scheduled Saturday) It means that I don't get overtime pay for working overtime hours.


Shit, I'm just sore and miserable and as it is I have to go to my Love's dad's birthday tonight and get to another 20 miles north of the house (and 40 miles north of my work) to get the mail for my friend while they're in Chicago.


Ok, life officially sucks today. Not like finding out very few - if any - people are willing to insure us (because of a lapse in coverage) and those that are want now almost $500 down wasn't enough. Did I mention the deadline for this is the 18th? (my Love's birthday and the last day to get his registration updated - a process requiring proof of insurance?)

Quote of the day: Pardon me while I burst into flames...I've had enough of the world... Out.

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