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Monday, March 04, 2002

The Day Late Weekend Recap (yeah, yeah, I didn't have time yesterday to get into it)

Saturday: Movies, Rude People and Weirdness. Oh my!
Went out and about Saturday night - got in the car and drove. I really wanted to do something; get out, have fun. So we hopped in the car and went to this place called Baywalk in downtown St. Petersburg.

It's one of those new (well, new to this area) kinda centers of shopping, restaurants, and a mix of clubs/bars/movie theaters. All new, open-air, and nice. A little more "upscale" then a standard stripmall or indoor mall. Anyway, we wanted to see a movie and decided we'd make it an outing rather then just hit the local megaplex. It's nice there and we both love downtown St. Pete. (we used to live in St. Pete a few years back but had to move for work considerations. Now, because of the drive, we never get down there anymore). We ended up seeing John Q. It was pretty good - a little preachy about the evils of HMO's (well duh) - but not too bad. What WAS bad were all the annoying, rude-ass kids in the theater. They would talk, their cells phones would ring, they'd laugh at serious moments and clap and inappropriate ones (such as when a character is contemplating sucide). I have come to the conclusion that I now hate seeing a movie in the theaters. This stinks because I love movies and I love the going out into the theater to watch it experience. But, the people - especially those damned kids - just ruin it. Why should I pay $7-8 a ticket to be annoyed, pissed off and aggravated? It sucks. I just simply can not understand the level of rudeness that exists in people of that age. I was NEVER that rude when I was a teenager. I actually was taught things like manners and tend to uphold them. This isn't just one of those "old people" rants - I'm only seven years out of high school myself - it's one of those what is wrong with kids these days kinda rants. Because, seriously...there's just something not right. When did it become not only ok, but cool to be rude? To be an ass? I'm not saying that people I went to school with didn't tease other people because of course they did, what I'm saying is that they did NOT go out of their way to piss off mass people in public situations. There needs to be something done about this - because I know I'm not the only one ready to throw in the towel at ever seeing a film again in the theater - or there's going to be more bankrupt theaters then you can shake a stick at. And it's a damn shame.

After the furstating movie experience, we left the theater in search of some dinner. There's any number of restaurants in and around Baywalk, so we walked around a bit to see what we could find. Very quickly though, both my Love and I realized that we were really uncomfortable. There was just a really bad "feel" to the air. We both just sorta up and started walking back to the car, foregoing eating downtown. You have to understand how weird this is. Downtown is where my Love pretty much grew up; it's where we'd go almost every weekend we lived there to hang out, walk around, and get out. With the new complex and the renovation going on, what was once a shady area is a really nice - even ritzy - part of town. But it felt bad; wrong; evil there that night in a way I just can't explain. My Love said it felt to him very "surreal" and "like a dream." I kept looking around, from side-to-side, expecting to see something, someone but nothing was wrong when I looked. I could feel it was wrong though. It looked so normal and so lively, but underneath, I don't know...it felt like the soul of the city was dying. something wicked this way comes... We were both pretty shaken the whole night and even when we got home, the feeling of wrongness was still there; as if it premiated us, or worse, followed us. Sounds silly to type this as it's a bright and sunny day outside my window, but it was truly wrong and creepy.

The upside of the night was we stopped on the way home and had Fondue. Mmmmm Not for dinner, mind, it was like 10:40pm and the place closes at 11:30pm (a full dinner takes about two hours), but rather dessert. Chocolate. A "Ying and Yang" specifically: white and dark chocolate with strawberries, bannanas, cheesecake, poundcake, and more for dipping. It rocked. (and it meant that we ate chocolate for dinner. Oh yeah!)

Sunday - Not Quite Singing In the Rain
So Sunday it rained. Didn't know it was going to rain or I would have chosen other shoes besides something black, leather, and sporting a 2-inch heel. (doh) My Love, Rand and I went out in search of stuff. You know, one of those days where you meander around to places like Best Buy, Target, the bookstore, the supermarket, etc. We returned the pair of defective sneakers that my Love bought the week before - one week and the seam rips, that's not right! - and exchange the pair that I bought (they hurt my feet). The bad news is that we ended up spending more (the ones we got instead were more money) and I wore the second pair yesterday and *ouch* they hurt my feet too. (back to the old pair that are ripping I guess and a second return to face) We also went in search of a housewarming gift for my friend Joolo. He's just moving into a new apartment this week so we wanted to find him just the right thing. We finally decided on... ha. Think I'm going to mention it here where he reads? *grins* Nope, you'll just have to wait and see it Pooks! *lol* Well, such a simple thing we decided, but such a hard thing it turned out to find. Why is that? Why do you see something everywere until you need it? Anyway, so that was Sunday. Running around in the rain and puddles trying really really hard to find an easy to find item.

That's the weekend in brief. Now we return you to our regularlly scheduled babbling. :)

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