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Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Ok, again as usual, we're a day late and a dollar short on the weekend recap. But, it's lunch time now, so let's try to get 'er done...

Worked Saturday morning then went home.

Ran around the mall shopping for something to wear for the Orchestra. My Love and my friend Rand meandered about bored. (hey, it was my Love's idea to go get me clothes and then he didn't want to be there when we got there! lol)

Hung out, watched some dvd's and was generally lazy.

Ah, the day of the Orchestra...started off by some general running around, some errands, and a last-minute stop to find me shoes and (apparently) a shirt and pants for my Love. Seems the lure of the mall was too much for him so we wandered over to Burdines and spent the next hour in a frenzied rush to find something. (it was 5pm and the store closed at 6pm, plus our show started at 7pm - can you say time constraints?) He really made out though since he got two dress shirts (one of them Tommy) and a pair of Claiborne dress pants for $36! Can you say "sale?" lol It was a great deal. We were both looking really great and my Love even commented, "We clean up nice." :)

What can I say about the show? I was wonderful. I had never been to see the Orchestra before - although of course, I've really wanted to - so it was especially wonderful for me. They preformed Mozart's Symphony No. 31 in D Major, K.297 "Paris", Jean Francaix's L'Horlge De Flore (The Flower Clock) with special Oboe soloist Martin Hebert, and Brahms' Symphony No. 4 in E minor, Op. 98. I was so taken by just watching these musicians play...to see them really get into the music. It was so amazing.

We were front-row and had a very close view of all the first-chair musicians and the soloist performed directly in front of us. Most of the show I found myself watching them, noting their motions and wondering what it would feel like to be in their places. Towards the end of the show however, my mind settled down and I found myself caught up in this sheer rush of energy...this swirling, massive wave funneling from them into the air. I became very sedate and yet so charged all in one. It was as if the music made a tornado of palpable energy - I could feel it prickle my skin, taste it as a tickle in the air, and watched it whirl in giddy motion throughout the theater. It was amazing. I left there so enamoured and energized - at a lost for words and yet bubbling with a sense of great happiness. Needless to say, it was a wonderful evening. *smiles*

After that, we went home, watched Interview with the Vampire on dvd as we ate fondue for dinner. Everything was so perfect and wonderful. I felt so happy, warm, and content. It was such a good day. My Love and I felt so...together. It was romantic and yet comfortable - none of the awkwardness of first-date romance, you know? More like the completing kind of melding you get from someone you know very well but are seeing again with new found eyes.

Unfortunatly, I have no shots of us all dressed up. Soon though, I will get my digital camera and you'll get no end of pics around here. lol That's the weekend recap, I'll get to Monday and today hopefully later.

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