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Monday, March 25, 2002


Ok, so it's 11:10pm, I'm freaking tired and I have to go take my shower before bed still. *cries* All I want is to go to sleep. And sleep. And sleep. Preferably something in the 10-12 hour range would be nice, but at this point, best I can hope for is about seven. /me whimpers

These 12+ hour days away from my house for work (between drive there and back and long days every day) are killing me. I'm getting so burnt out. My health is taking a dive from it and that only makes things worse. Finally made my 6-month follow up with my hematologist at 13 months after treatment. *sighs* Hopefully, it's not my iron levels getting low again - I really don't want to redo all those injections let alone the long-term effects on needing iron injections to survive the rest of my life. :( I'm hoping it's just stress. Harder to fix, but less likely to kill me like the anemia tried to do all those years.

So, I'm off to the shower then straight into bed to sleep. I'm so worn and tired and just beat on the inside I feel like I'll never feel good, healthy, strong, or even normal again. I hate moments like these...


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