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Thursday, April 04, 2002

I somehow manage to drag myself here this morning only to be confronted with the following slap to the face: Either work this Satuday AND next to "make up" for yesterday, or go ahead and leave and don't come back. what the fuck is that?? Is that even LEGAL? To demand a person to work repeated Saturdays - they're scheduled day off - without even bothering to ask or FIRE them?? To give then ZERO days off (neither vaccation, nor sick/personal days), force them to work unpaid overtime (because of course, on "salary" you don't have overtime), don't pay them for federal holidays that the office is closed even on salary (because those are days when "no one is scheduled to work" and salary only pays you for "days you're scheduled to work") and then demand they make up a day off by working the next TWO weekends instead???

I didn't take a day off just so I could work another. I took a day off because I need a day off. FUCK FUCK FUCK. How can they do this shit? And watch, I'll get my check tomorrow and it will be missing hours for yesterday. I'll have been just put on hourly without informing me, without my consent and without anything in writing just so he can save a hundred bucks. (all the while ordering his shiney new $2250 laptop for himself and complaining that we need to watch every penny. "not a wasted minute, not a wasted penny" bullshit) Did I mention he's buying his wife a 2003 Mustang Cobra convertible for thier anniversary next month? Oh yeah, let's make sure we don't waste money - let's make sure it goes in his pocket.

Fuck. This is pure bullshit and I can't do anything about it. I can't afford to be even a week without a paycheck and considering I can't even take time off to see the Doctor, how can I take time off to get out of here?? I was so excited and happy about this job - the idea to really be useful, do creative things like the company website, newsletters, etc. But it's turned into being a collection agent, doing data entry, and taking it up the fucking ass from my boss who is showing his Mr. Hyde personality now. I am so sick of this shit I can't think straight. Fuck, like this is what I need in my life right now...

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