Yeah, I know, slacker on the entries, but things have gotten weird with the work situation. I don't know if I can talk about it in ongoing detail yet - there may be some legal issues that will move forward pending tomorrow's "meeting" with my boss - but I am still alive. (not entirely happy to
be alive, but eh, alive nonetheless. I was put on leave without pay from this morning until friday moring while things (illegal activities I reported) where being "investigated" and now suddenly this evening, there's an email from my boss telling me things are settled and to come in tomorrow. Nice fucking notice asshole. I
hate people who force me to comply to their whims but moreso hate situations where I MUST comply. Arg. If I don't I could make things go poorly for myself and in the end, it's all about me and covering my ass right now. Fuck it. I'm not letting
anyone fuck me over anymore. I've let myself get the shit end of the stick from bosses and company's far too many times, now it's gonna stop.
Anyway, that's more then enough of that. Pisses me off though. There's a HUGE difference between being told you're off for the next four days and then getting an email at like 11pm at night telling you no, to come in at 8am. (meaning I should be in bed already AND meaning I have to be up at 6:45am tomorrow to be there at 8am) ::pissed:: As soon as I can, I'll fill in on the details, but this should be enough to give people an idea of the bullshit I'm dealing with.
Off to bed with me. I've got a wicked headache and my night just got much worse. :(
~ flowers bloom near Memory and Dream
at 4/8/2002 11:38:50 PM ~