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Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Oh yeah, by the way, this was due yesterday, so *whistles* la la la...don't mind me. I've been only slightly crazy with the work thing.

:::Peer-to-Peer Blog Review:::
The Most Current of Current Affairs
Hrm Well, the layout is really basic. Just white background with a simple image at the top. The entries themselves are..ecclectic at best. I feel really old when reading it, because, quite frankly, even after clicking every link (there's only a few, but they seem to change from page to page) and reading all of the entries listed, I just don't get it. Some of it is funny, but it's all very abstractly odd. The owner seems to kinda make up humor-based blurbs on scientific or culural events. But, it's not like they're overly witty blurbs. Nor are they actual jokes, they just kida are. For example, "Today I went to the doctor for a check up. It turns out that I need a new stomach and lower intestine. That some sort of hairless rat-type thing has chewed its way through my stomach lining which has in turn spilled digestive juices on my lower intestine." It's not really even funny and you don't quite know what to make of his statements.

There were a few times that I cracked a smile at the sense of humor, but mostly, I just stared. It's not a bad blog I supposed, it's just one in which I do not understand the reason behind it. The entries are few and far inbetween and the most recent one says "the end." Whether this means the blog is closed or another joke entry I do not know.

I was unable to discover any information on the author, nor reasonings behind the existance of the blog either. All in all I really just do not "get" it. A warning, there is occassional cursing and other mature entries for those of a younger age.

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