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Monday, May 27, 2002

Light on the entries lately....just not been around. Three day weekend - and Memorial Day weekend at that - has meant a lot of time away from my pc. Not to mention the recent plague of migraines I've been having (oh gods, I just don't know why they're coming back again in force, I've not done anything different and I watch my diet closely for triggers). Let's see highlights...

Was out all day Saturday running errands, and such with my Love and Rand. We got a couple DVD's and Rand was nice enough to pick up the A/C adapter for my digital camera (got one for $29 instead of the psycho $59 Olympus wanted) at best buy for me. That's a good thing since my digital camera eats AA batteries for breakfast lunch and dinner. We ended up watching Clerks that night and then I pretty much called it a night - headache hit.

Slept late again. Rand's mom had a lovely BBQ we were invited too. Now, you have to understand that this is not the average hamburger and hotdog kinda deal, more like the mustard glaze chicken/pork with peanut sauce, fresh fruit platter kinda thing. Oh yeah, on china. *lol* (I don't think my family ever used even real plates - that's what paper plates are for right? - let alone the "good" dishes!) I also took a ton of pics in her award-winning garden I'll try to get up later (been meaning to for a couple days now). It was nice time though and as always, Rand's mom is such a sweetheart.

We came back to the apartment and watched The Others on dvd. Ok, this movie is creepy. Old school creepy, like no blood and stuff, but the sound effects and the sense of foreboding were perfect. I was creeped out the whole time. And yes, it DOES have a pretty cool twist ending. All-in-all I liked it. It's much more subtle then anything, but it's good.

After that it was about midnight and Rand went home. My head went from annoying to debilitating and got worse from there. By the end, my Love pretty much carried me into bed I was just stuck sitting in my seat crying 'cause it hurt so bad. I don't know why or what this is, but gods, I can't bear to go through these things like this. Especially so many so close together.

Slept in today and woke up with it thankfully gone. Mulled about a bit, just recovering from the lingering effects of the headache (and the grogginess from so much dead sleep) until Rand came over and we all decided to get out of the house and see a movie. Rand treated since my Love and I are just flat-ass broke. Decided to go ahead and see Episode 2. Oh dear god....it's a freakin' 2 1/2 hour movie for about 10 minutes of actual plot. No really. There is simply NO real point to it. And George, buddy, lay off the fucking DIZZY cams... *ugh* I swear, I'm STILL dizzy from it. (not to mention his attempt at inducing siezures with a near pitch black lightsaber fight of red and blue sabers - just spinning, flickering, flashing red and blue lights and nothing else - *loses lunch*) And oh...sad. Why oh why did he make Yoda into Flubber? I mean, seriously? Bouncing off walls? What the fuck was that? It's like a preview of the new "Yoda: Pinball" game or something. Ugh, sad.

The even worse thing then the fact poor Rand gave George $22.50 (and we gave him about three hours of our life) is that I am well underway for another migraine. Despite having taken Excedrin during the movie in an attempt to prevent it and even drinking some caffine in hopes of curbing it, it's coming back on. Fuck.

Anyway, dinner is ready and I'm starved so I'm off to go eat.

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