wishlist and mailing address

Friday, July 19, 2002

ok, just a couple pics.

So a few months ago I had one a free PS2 game (though I don't have a PS2 *shrugs*) and it was random draw what you got. Today I check my mail and it's there. Turns out it's a soccer game World Tour Soccer 2002 to be specific. Nice thing is that it's totally sealed so I'm thinking of trying to turn it in somewhere for store credit. Wee..

And here is a shot of me and my new plant, Heidi. I have better shots I need to crop I took with the digital cam, but this will have to do for the moment.

That's it for now. Love's going to be coming home from work any minute and another friend's coming over too so should get going and get offline. *sighs* Still no DSL yet, but the phone company did say 10 business days. (oh and apparently, I get a free webcam too which is cool - now I'll have two) I can't wait though, as nice as it is to have something (Rand's dial up access), it's be so much nicer to not have to tie up the phone and deal with disconnects and slow connections and stuff and get back to my beloved broadband.

Happy friday.

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