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Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Had some friends over tonight - Jef and Kali (Rand's on business trip in Canada) - and we played Mario Party 4 and stuff. Had fun. Got to play a bit of Animal Crossing as well but the damned shop closed at 10pm so I missed it and have a basement full of things I need to sell. So, I'm hoping Jef comes over again tomorrow so I can play it a bit during the day to make some money and pay off my house. (you can expand your home and each time you do, you have to pay off the loan for the cost of expansion)

Haven't really had anything to say. Been having problems with my damned neck again - it gives me headaches because it's permanently damaged - which really sucks and has been making me rather miserable. Still feeling really blah, empty, and just really disconnected. I think I need to get out or something to help brighten my mood, but without any money to do so, it's really hard.

Dozing on the couch, was waiting for the towels to dry so I could put in the wet load before I went to bed. It's done now, so I'm going to bed.

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