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Friday, February 07, 2003

Ok, by now, I think everyone knows I have an unnatural obsession with the game Animal Crossing (which is all my best friend Jef's fault; he went and bought the game and made me play it! I don't even own a GameCube!), but this is funny for anyone who also likes Monty Python. In The Meaning of Life, there's a scene with a waiter offering this unrealistically obsese customer a "wafer thin" mint to finish off his meal. The man objects saying he can't possibly eat another thing, saying that he will burst, but the waiter insists that it's only "wafer thin" (said in a baaad French accent). The man accepts the mint and explodes.

Anyway, there's a seagull who washes up on shore about once a week or so and each time, if you go talk to him, you "save his life" and he rewards you - but not without first explaining to you what happend this time. So, tonight's was hysterical because it included an in-joke of the above Monty Python scene.

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I just cracked up and I had to take a picture of it (another reason I love my digital camera!) Too funny, isn't it? :) I love when people give tribute and include little in-jokes that make things that much funnier.

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