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Sunday, February 09, 2003


So....tired. Wonder why? (It's only 5am afterall! *laughs*) Today was my Love's father's b-day, had to run to his folks to say hi after going Target to get some stuff and his gift. Then the gang came over (Rand, Kali, and Jef) and they played some Xbox and PS2 (Jef has all three systems so he comes over and shares his toys) and he left the GameCube so I played a bit of Animal Crossing (saturday's are Concert night and I had to get everybody - me, Jef, my Love and Rand - their songs). Milled about on the net, cried a bit over thoughts of Kush-ka, hung out with my Love a bit, and now I'm worn out and ready to call it a day.

Supposed to all get together tomorrow to see Shanghai Knights which looks funny so I'll let you all know then. For now, I'm heading to sleepyland.

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