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Friday, May 09, 2003

So, last night I spent a stupid amount of time, making my own online quiz. I thought by using the Quizilla site, it'd be quick and have the added bonus of not using my bandwidth, but in fact, the site is reeeeeally slow and ended up taking over three hours just because of loading issues. Sheesh. It's done though and it's pretty fun.

Nothing on the calander yet today, but then I've only been up for about 45 minutes. Had a weird phone call from a local number that caller id listed as "Metro Crime Pre" which troubled me and I didn't want to answer it and they didn't leave a message. Talked to my Love and he's ok (he's at work in the same area that the phone number was from), so I guess I'll just pass it off as either a misleading caller id name like a sales call or scam, or a wrong number. (Though it is weird).


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