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Friday, October 03, 2003

I hate boring Friday nights. An I end up having a lot of them usually. This check is rent check so of course, we're broke. Bah. And I've yet to hear anything for any part time jobs I've put in for. Double bah. Everyone said at the very least they'd be looking for seasonal in October. Well! It's October, call me you fuckers! (and no, I don't say this to them *lol*)

Rant. Vent. Bitch. Sigh.

I wrote a letter to Disney the other day. Technically I emailed it to them because they don't have a mailing address on their site. I later found a mailing address on another site and sent a hard copy as well. I complained that their website is sorely misleading. There were like six rides closed when we went there - and not one of them was mentioned to be closed on the website. Also, some rides were closed for extended periods of time and even the Cast members weren't aware of why or when they'd be back open. That's just wrong. I'm really hoping they'll give us some discount on upgrading our Play 4 Days pass to a seasonal or something because we both would REALLY love to do it, but seeing as we need $160 before Oct. 31st, I don't know how it's going to happen. We just don't have extra money right now at all. As in none, let alone $160. So far, I've not gotten even a cookie-cutter reply back. Bah.

Did I mention how much I hate boring Friday nights? Boring, broke Friday at home. Oh joy. And a boring, broke weekend to follow it up. I really need to get a part time job. Even $50 extra bucks here and there would help. Last week I sold three necklaces which was a great little bit extra, but stuff like that is just so few and far inbetween. If I could get more instances of selling my jewelry for example without wasting a lot on listing charges for items that don't sell, it'd be great, but...there's just no guarentee of doing that.

Bah bah blacksheep.

Spend a bunch of time last night reading up on sites which are dedicated to aspects of Disney that are no more - rides that are gone, rides that are changed, things that used to be, etc. I also read up a bunch on the Haunted Mansion ride. Interesting, oddball things. Sometimes it's just neat to wander into a project like that and I always love reading about things that used to be. It's an added bonus when it's something I'm familier with like Disney (and a lot of the specific rides).

Alrighty, well I got in my babbling for the day, so I'll stop here.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

I hate when people ask me "So, what's new with you/So, what's going on with you?" because I end up standing there, blubbering for a few moments, utterly at a loss of what to say. Fact is, not much is generally going on and there's almost never anything new of any import to mention. So I feel kinda like an idiot, trying to figure out how to answer it without sounding either 1)boring 2)someone to be pitied or 3)completely out of touch with the world. I know they're just trying to be nice, but...I sit around the house all day, five days a week. I do some laundry, I clean the kitchen, I vacuum every now and then, I play with the cat, I surf the web, I watch some tv ... nothing's ever really new or happening. *shrugs* I guess I need to come up with a "standard" answer for those times when I can't think of anything real to reply.

Which brings me to the journal entry. How do you write and keep it updated when there's just nothing of anything actually going on? At what point is it just pointless babbling - having surrendered any pretense of being journaling? Or, is journaling, in and of itself just the process and not neccesarily the outcome? Do I serve the point just by sitting here and typing out mostly meaningless strings of words or is only real if there's depth to the posts?

Worked on making an over-the-top Halloween theme today for one of my message boards. Pretty funny. It's all orange and black with witches and pumpkins. I love Halloween. And I love the fact that the other night, there was actually a little nip to the air after sunset. Could it truly be? Is summer actually surrendering it's hellish grip a little earlier this year? (Can I soon take out my beloved leather jacket from it's months of unuse in the closet and actually get to wear it? *gasp*) I dare not hope too much, lest we get a freak heatwave that hangs on until November. I'm just so excited at the faintest gleemings of Fall in a land that's well into the 90's for about nine months a year.

Speaking of Fall, someone from px sent me actual Autumn leaves last week from her backyard in Denmark. How amazingly cool is that? She said she felt bad that I'd be celebrating Halloween without a proper Autumn. They arrived in perfect shape and they've got those beautiful fall colors I love so much and miss from my childhood up in PA.

Alright, I managed to squeeze some content into this entry afterall. Perhaps the ends justifies the means as by merely babbling I came to some actual subjects. ;) I think I'm calling it a night. I'm getting sleepy and my head's been twinging at me in the way that says it might decide to blossom into a headache - and nipping it in the bud by going to bed generally helps. Ta for now everyone.

Monday, September 29, 2003

This is too funny... The Science of Harry Potter - it's a college class at Frostburg State University, Maryland!
"The Science of Harry Potter," a three-credit honors seminar new this fall, offers fans of J.K. Rowling's popular fantasy novels an opportunity to study the links between magic and science.

Tee hee.

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