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Thursday, March 11, 2004

Sand gets cold
I discovered that when it's 50-something degrees outside, and the water temperature of the Gulf is 60-something, that the sand itself is about -37 degrees! Brr!

I finally, finally went out to the beach last night after about eight months without. The beach is a spiritual place for me to reconnect and revitalize. It's a borderland - where the realms of the land and the sea merge. It's also a meeting place where the earth, the air and the water all reside. Well, anyway, it had been long overdue for me to go out, but between winter and life in general being time-consuming, I never quite did get around to getting out there. We planned originally to go Saturday, but then I was stricken with one of my unbearably bad migraines. So then we rescheduled and planned to go Monday. But sometime between the weekend and Monday, the temperature dropped from the mid 80's to the 40's. I bundled up, made it outside, but turned right back around knowing it'd be too cold to stand out in 17mph winds at the shore.

Disgruntled, I forced myself out there last night - in the 50's this time rather then the 40's - and, discovered just how damned cold sand gets. Wow. My poor toes. Normally, I sink them into the surf, but last night I had to make due hovering around the edge with my shoes back on. Though I did manage to enjoy it for about a half an hour before my poor Love was frozen to the bone up on the sand and I felt bad for him so we left. Still, it was great to get out there again. I just feel so much better; happier even. *smiles* Hope it lasts.

Speaking of spirituality and such...
Forgot to mention, I added a new, lengthy and rather personal though informative article on the Embracing Mystery Site the other day. Not sure if I mentioned it or not yet since I'm getting a bit of deja vu as I write this. (Could have mentioned it somewhere else and that's making me think I already said this, or I really did mention it here and since I'm too lazy to open another window and look, it just might be a duplicate.) Oh well. Either way, there's an update and I have a few more things that need to be worked on for some more updates soon as well. Now that the sites are stable for the moment, I can get back in and actually update them again. Novel concept, eh?

Well, after several hours out here yesterday and the removing of a couple of panels off the front of the building right next to my master bedroom window, the wasps are reported dead. The pest control guy is nice and made sure to come up and knock on my door personally to give me the final status. (He'd been by a few days before to check out the situation but needed to come back with more equiptment to deal with it.) They cleared out the nest and killed the unbelievably huge swarm. I feel a bit safer. He even told me it was safe to go out on my balcony again. So...I'm going to try to not to think about them having been right in the wall next to my side of the bed and instead just be happy they're gone. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

Migraines & Medications
I know many times doctors get samples of meds. Does anyone know if they get samples of migraine meds? I'm trying to think of a way to get some medication with minimal cost to me - and paying for multiple $150+ prescriptions isn't exactly low cost. I was wondering if I could get some samples to know what does and does not work before committing a larger sum of money to getting a regular prescription. The only one I've tried was Imitrex in pill form at 25mg. And it didn't do anything. I know there's about a dozen or so different brands/types/formulas out there which fall under the tripton category so there's more things to try. And I really need to try. The panic I feel about getting another attack and not having a rescue med is overwhelming. I've tried looking up info on getting some low-cost/free health services through the state of Florida or the county, but everything seems to be connected to other services like welfare and foodstamps. (Or, if you're pregnant or a single mother.) Nothing for people who are just normal, middle-of-the-road, unable to afford health care costs with a chronic and debilitating condition. *sighs* There's something so wrong about people having to just suffer because they can't afford the health care and medication they need.

M the Disney Pin Junkie
Oh yeah, I got thinking about my pins and such the other day. I've got them all on my little mini-backpack-purse thingy I use for going to WDW. I've gotten quite a collection since last year when I innocently picked up Stitch as Elvis. So in an effort to start keeping track, I made a new page to show off my collection. Pins! Not that anyone really cares - unless they like Disney Pin trading too or just like Disney stuff - but hey, I spend my time on some weird projects so why not something like my pin collection?

That's all she wrote
I'm starved. Ended up never eating dinner last night (had a late lunch and just wasn't hungry at dinner time) and now I'm famished. So I think I'll go get dressed (it's pretty cold in here, I need some sleeves!) and scrounge for some food. Hard since there's pretty much nothing in the house and oh, about $25 left until the 19th. Gods, I'm broke.

Out for now.

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