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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Give me my donut anyday
So I'm reading over at Lorena's the top ten foods you should never eat. Most of it's crap anyway and bleck, I don't care but one thing, now...one thing they can kiss my ass about.

#5: Entenmen's Rich Frosted Donut (Variety Pack Size)
How can one doughnut have as much artery-clogging saturated and trans fat (10 grams) as nine strips of bacon? That’s what happens when you completely cover a doughnut in chocolate. Try Entenmann’s Light Donuts instead. With anywhere from six to nine grams of fat per doughnut (no more than three of them saturated), they’re not health foods. But if you’ve got to have a doughnut, they’re a lot better than the regular version.

First off, if I thought something like a chocolate covered donut was even remotely healthy, I'd be a dumbass and I'd deserve to die of a heart attack. (This reminds me of the people who were all shocked that McDonalds french fries were bad for you. What...? I didn't know that and they didn't go out of there way enough to tell me. I'm going to sue!)

Secondly, life is too damned short not to eat those things. They fucking yum in a box. Doesn't get much better. And if we all sat around eating nothing but dirt, life wouldn't be worth living longer. Sometimes, you just have to take the risks.

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