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Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I have a fucking headache from hell. I lay down to try to sleep through it and make it go away. I'm woken up by a fucking truck cutting down the tree in front of my building. Not all of it, but they damned sure were fucking trying. They chopped the whole fucking thing to peices, leaving me no shade, no privacy and a fucking stump of the trunk. Assholes. I called the complex office and cursed them out. They didn't care, they just wanted room for the paint latters or some bullshit like that. So they fucking mutilated the tree and deprieved me of the only nice thing about this fucking apartment - the privacy and shade of the tree.

I am so fucking livid right now I can't even put it into words. And if it's not bad enough, they have to fucking salt my wounds by leaving the damned truck - running VERY loudly I might add - right in front of my building the last half-hour to make my headache just that much worse. I can't sleep it's so loud, so I'm really fucking happy right now.

Fucking assholes. Fucking, fucking bastards. I hope they fucking get sawed in half and see how they like it.

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