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Friday, August 20, 2004

Light on the posts
I've been light on the posts the last couple days. Things have just been hectic and taking time to turn on my pc and make an entry hasn't been high on the list of things to do. Wednesday, migraine. Continued hassles with the apartment complex over the mold issue. (From the water leak back in July) Thursday, an inspection of the area by the manager and bleaching of the walls. Another migraine. That put me in bed at a little past 10pm. This morning, thunderstorms which meant risky power and leaving the computer off for the time being.

This weekend we're going to look for a new apartment. They know they fucked up in this situation and everytime we talk to them, they offer us more. First it was we'll let you break your lease without penalty. Then it was break your lease and pay your utility fees for transfer. Then break lease, utility transfer fees, free month rent. Then yesterday it was break lease, utility transfer fees, free month rent AND we'll throw in movers! Sold! Rock on. So, we're going to look for a new place to live and hopefully without having to front the expense of transfer fees (like if we move where we're under the other power company in the area, it'd be a new $200 deposit and the phone is like $50 and the cable would be a new installation cost), and with being able to use the lack of paying September rent towards security and stuff AND not only not have to rent a U-Haul, but instead have people move us (one of those wonderous things I've heard talk about in movies but never thought I'd get to experience), it's a deal too good to be true. And hopefully enough to allow us to do it. We don't like it here anyway and we were trapped in our lease. This mold situation, though very frustrating and infuriating, has provided us a great escape. So, at least it seems for once that something good can come out of something shitty. Now we just need to find an apartment! (*crosses fingers*)

These migraines this week have been hell. I'm sure the stress of all the back-and-forth with the apartment management hasn't helped, but I'm also sure that the mold itself hasn't helped. I'm frustratingly sensitive to things - chemical, environmental and such - so it's not that huge of a stretch to see where the increased sinus issues I've been having, the headaches and even the migraines are, at the core, due to the toxicity of my environment. Just another reason I'll be happy to get out of here.

Oh yeah, and the complex has been sold. New owners. New name. And no new leases. They have apparently 60 empty apartments right now. With the most likely outcome being that they want to convert the buildings into condos. (Why in the world someone would pay to OWN this dump is beyond me, but real estate is at a premuim in this area so who knows?) Of course, they've announced the new name and such, but have not yet publically informed residents that they won't be renewing anybody's lease. Nice, hu? It will mean people will have 60 day notice at the end of their lease that they need to find a new place to live. Damn that's cold. They should announce it now so people have time to plan. Moving's a big deal and most people are loathe to do it, let alone on short notice.

So anyway, I was mad last night over getting another migraine. My mom apparently stopped by my journal the other day (*gasp! how embarassing! she's learning how to use her computer!*) and called me after reading the post about my last migraine. She can't understand how no one will help out in this situation. All the local health clinics and county medical centers and stuff don't have anything to do with something as "trivial" as migraines. Of course, if they took it seriously, they'd realize that migraines are both random and debilitating and that people who suffer them suffer horribly and are unable to function during attacks. They don't take seriously the lost work, lost jobs and lost potential that migraineurs deal with on a daily basis. The various medical facilities around here won't see you for that kind of thing. Or if they will, at best, they'll just write you a prescription. But at hundreds of dollars per Rx, that little script doesn't do any good. Unlike being able to get my Pill for example for free (a wonderous blessing to be sure), no one will give any medication for conditions like migraines. She didn't believe it and was frustrated at reading my entry over it. It's a sad state of affairs though that it's just the way it is.

Love and I have been watching the Olympics each night together. And beyond the pain of the migraine and the forced retirement at like 10pm last night, I was mad that I had to miss the women's gymnastics finals. Darnit. I know there's so many people who bitch about the commericalism of the Games and all but fuck that. It's still amazing to see these people reach for their dream. I have nothing but respect for these athletes and I enjoy the heck out of watching them go for it. It's amazing, sad, exciting and thrilling all at the same time. And I enjoy going along with the drama of it all and seeing their accomplishments.

Well, I think I've rambled out the last couple days worth of event highlights. I'm still working on my Summer layout for the journal. (ha) I'm not entirely happy with it, but maybe I'll toss it up anyway just because dammit, I want something new and at least it can be a change. This is a lovely layout and all but it was for Spring and we're well into Summer now. I want to advance it and bring it more into the place and state of mind that Summer gives, not that which Spring offers. I don't know. I am deeply moved by the changing of the seasons - it's spiritual to me - and as such, I would like this to better reflect that. So if it changes suddenly, you'll know why.

Ta for now.

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