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Sunday, September 19, 2004

Weekend Recap
It sounds like there's a lot to report, but sadly, no. My headaches continue and my eyes are almost continuously at the hyper light sensitive stage where it literally hurts to see. Ugh, it's so very frustrating and I wish I knew what was causing it and more importantly how I could get relief.

Saturday we heard there was a celebration at a museum in downtown Tampa for it's 25th birthday. Supposed to have music, events and free admission. We had never been to it before so me, Love and our friend Rand hopped in his Jeep and made the drive.

Downtown Tampa

Turns out that the museum was a little on the, well...lame side. It was very tiny and it only had two interesting galleries (one was ancient Greek pottery and the other was this really unique moving sculpture contraption that "drew" on paper. It's impossible to explain and they didn't let you take photos.) The rest was all "pop" art - a massive hanging display of shredded tires, a bed in a room all by itself with various random scenes projected on the covers, headless, cartoon bodies on blank colored colored canvases with titles like "Bob couldn't figure out the theory of astrodynamics and so instead thought he'd battle with the wrestling team." Very lame, very cheap and very poor excuse for art in a Fine Arts museum. At least we got out and it was free. Oh yeah, I got a cupcake too. That was cool.

Edit...oh yeah, I forgot On the way home, we stopped by this Pagan bookstore I had never been to before (mainly because it's kinda far away). Turns out they had some hurricane damage and the entire store was 40%. I splurged and got myself a really cool silver charm of a crescent moon, star and moonstone. (I'll have to take a pic.) I also got this pretty oil burner with carved pentacles on the sides. Oh, it's lovely. Both together were cheaper then just the charm because of the discount. I felt good. And the charm is so pretty.

Today, Sunday, we didn't do much. Ran some errands that sort of thing. My head's been hurting all day and my eyes to boot so I haven't really felt like doing anything. It's hard to do something when you can't use your eyes; when the act of seeing hurts. *sighs* It's painful to look at the monitor right now but seeing as I just spent the last hour and change on the couch in the dark with a blanket over my head listening to the tv, I wanted to get up for a little bit and do something before going to bed.

Anyway, something done, so I'm going to close out. No news yet on the apartment we applied to like two weeks ago. We had actually scheduled to potentially move this weekend and, well, you can see where that went. *sighs* Somedays I feel like I'm in quicksand and I'm never going to get out of here at all.

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