Moohrm, let's see...potential titles for this entry...
MTV, Pimp my Horns!or maybe...
Do I make you horny, baby?or possibly...
Shameless Self Promotion (though not as fun as the others)
Either way, it gives you a basic idea of the content of this entry. Don't be fooled, it's not an actual, real entry. I'm just here to whore out my updated
ebay listings since I spent a bunch of time making new horns, cooking new horns, photographing new horns and uploading new horn listings to
ebay. You see, it's a lot of work, and I'm giddy with glee at having sold four pairs already, so I had to toss up some more and then of course, well, pimp out
the link to buy them.
Ya know, things like....
(new black and orange twisty pair)
(way cool glow-in-the-dark pair)So, one more time for the kids in the back,
I've updated my ebay listing of horns and they're really cool and you should look at them and buy them all up!Or something. *grins*
~ castles of sand by Memory and Dream
at 10/8/2004 11:14:13 PM ~