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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Some Horns are up!
Ok everyone. You know you want a pair of totally amazing, one-of-a-kind, handmade custom horns for Halloween, right? Lucky you, 'cause I've listed some on ebay tonight - a painstakigly looooong task that's putting me to bed HOURS after I wanted to go to sleep. Five pairs are up and more pending. Also, don't forget I can customize them for you - so if you like a style, but want a different color or something, just let me know! About half my orders last year were custom orders so I really don't mind.

I'm in desperate need of raising money to help pay for my move. My current apartment as many of you know has toxic mold and I've been living in it this way since July. October 15th, we're moving to a nicer place, but we're having to borrow money left and right to pull it off. Selling my horns this October hopefully can help put a dent in the massive expenses of moving.

New styles, new colors and new horns are up this year - and anything you liked last year can be redone as well!

So, >Look, Buy and show your Love! *grins*

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