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Friday, April 30, 2004

Last day went ok. Caught up on everything for them. Kinda bummed though that my cold forced me to miss out on 16 hours of pay. *sighs* I really could have used that.

Just for shits and giggles (mainly because I lack anything better to do with my time), I put together a small page with my mom's po box (where I can get mail) and links to things like my wishlist in case anyone wanted to send something my way for my birthday. I know that probably seems horribly shallow but honestly, I'd be happy with a card. It'd be neat just to get something saying hi. I think it's part of the whole fall-out and dis-illusionment I've had from px lately; I got used to getting nice mail in my mailbox on a regular basis but now it's just all nasty and angry and I didn't really want to be around it, so I kinda forced myself to go away from it for a bit. Guess with my birthday coming up, I kinda of miss that stream of cheer that came my way. Such a small, stupid thing I suppose, but to me, it meant a lot.

Anyway, that's it. Had to publish to see the changes so I thought I'd babble out something while I was here.

I have to get up and go in tomorrow because it's my last day at the temp job (except I guess they need help the last two weeks of may for some reason) but I'm practically doing everything I can to procrastinate going to bed. I don't really know why either. It's not like I hate sleeping or want to be tired tomorrow. I'm still not fully up to speed on my energy levels (I'm still getting worn out really quickly) so the four hours tomorrow will be a lot for me (as sad as that sounds). But I just don't want to go to bed. I really don't want to face it for some reason and I can't figure out why.

On a totally unrelated note, I'm having a problem with trying to remember where I heard something before. I'm reading this book (Wit'ch Storm) and in it, the author uses the word "Gul'Gotha" for the big bad of the series. Problem is, I swear hearing something just like it used somewhere else before. A movie? A tv show? An anime? A video game..? Where? Something like gogotha or gulgotha or golgotha.... I can almost hear it. It's so damned close. But I can't put my finger on it. I've tried google, but I'm only getting this book series and some weird xtian reference I don't even know what it's about. (And seeing as I'm not xtian, I know that's not what I'm thinking of.) Does this ring a bell to anyone else?

Bah. I've stalled long enough I need to get some damned sleep. I just don't want to. So weird when you have this strong, deep feelings that you can't understand the origin and motivation for them...

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Whoo hoo!
"In view of the furore over Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ we think it important to offer an alternative view from Monty Python and are planning a theatrical re-release (or second coming) of Life of Brian." Thus said Monty Python producer John Goldstone in March 2004 (read the Daily Llama article).

To mark the 25th anniversary of the film, Monty Python's Life of Brian will be re-released in U.S. theaters starting April 30, 2004.

Oh yeah baby! I HIGHLY recommend you guys check the release schedule and go out to your local art house theater and see it. It's hysterical and MUCH needed in this time of overly melodramatic money-making preach-fests.

"A lot of people in America have said that they couldn't figure out a way to deal with the public reaction to Mel's movie," John Goldstone told Daily Variety yesterday. "This is a kind of antidote to Mel."

I'm marking my calender. Gotta love Python.

Set my alarm with the intention of trying to get into my temp job this morning. Apparantly my worries were well-founded; tomorrow is my last day with them again. (Though they'll need me the last two weeks of May again for some reason. *shrugs*) Dammit. So I wanted to get in today to get an extra four hours of pay. Well, the alarm went off, I rolled over and turned it off and promptly fell back asleep. That was so not my intent. I only just woke up at 10am. Dammit.

The Cold
Definately feeling better. Just having a problem coughing. I think it's all the remaining gunk getting caught up in my throat and then making me cough. Problem is that when I get a coughing fit, it's so bad that it gags me and I can't stop coughing even to breathe. Last night it happened and then two times overnight as well. It's awful. I hope it goes away soon.

So ezboard's doing some big server swap thing. Problem is that it was supposed to be done on TUESDAY the 27th. It's now Thursday the 29th. And I can't even get their homepage to load, let alone my boards. I don't know what the hell's going on but I literally can't connect at all. I can't even begin to express my annoyance with them. They fucking suck. I'm so sick of their bullshit. And I hate being utterly left in the dark. Is it just me? Can everyone else see them because I'm getting nothing at all and it's driving me crazy.

The Rest
I can't wait for this week to be over. Damned cold, damned conference my Love's been stuck at, damned everything. Ugh. The weekend comes and maybe - just maybe - we can get out and do something since last weekend I was sick and housebound. Get me out of this damned apartment! Hell, I walked out with my Love yesterday to take out the trash and check the mail and the sun (of course, always psychotically bright here in the sunshine state) was even more overpowering then normal because I hadn't left my dark, cloistered apartment for a week. (Well, I left Tuesday to go the dr, but it was an overcast, rainy day so that doesn't count.) There's being light sensitive and then there's not having been out in light for a week. Even I need to get out now and then.

Alrighty, I'm babbling. Kudos go to the way l33t Humble for being the first person to comment on the last entry. *chuckles* Ta.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Light at the end of the tunnel
Went to the doctor yesterday. Got some antibiotics. Actually slept last night. Woke up once with a horrible coughing fit, but beyond that, I slept the night through. My nose is a little clearer this morning and not so clogged up. I'm still really physically beat - I feel like I've been through the ringer - but I actually see some light at the end of the tunnel. I think I'm finally over the hump; the worst is over. This morning was also the first time I didn't wake up sweating and feverish. Thank goodness. I can't wait to finally be myself again. This whole experience has been so frustrating and painful.

Not much else going on right now. Trying to figure out when I'm going to be heading back in to the temp job. Four hours at home blowing your nose and coughing are totally different from four hours at a job, under fluorescent lighting answering a phone blowing your nose and coughing. Not to mention my strength is utterly depleted at this point from the near week of illness. Walking around for an hour yesterday going to the doctor then to the store to get some food and the prescription left me literally trembling with fatigue. I slept for two hours when I got home. You know how it is when you're sick and your body feels too heavy to move. Anyway, I'm wondering about tomorrow but shooting for at least Friday. I may set the alarm and see how I feel trying to wake up tomorrow morning. I think my body's going to protest but I can at least try.

Well, that's really about all that's going on so just wanted to give a better update for once. Sick of talking about being nothing but sick! *chuckles* Hope everyone's well.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Not any better. Was up all night sick, coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose, my eyes running, my ears ringing, feverish and...! for the fun highlight, throwing up (an empty stomach) at 6am. Joy of joys. (Did I mention that it's also that time of the month this week, so in addition to everything else, I'm crampy too?) It was one of the longest, most hellish nights I can ever remember.

Called my mom. (What else do you do when you're sick and you're not getting better and your S.O. is away at a conference and not easily reachable? You call your mom of course.) Told her what's been going on. She called a dr and made an appointment for me at 3pm today. The hope is that maybe I can get some antibiotics because obviously, things aren't working with just plenty of fluids, cold medication and rest. I'm simply not getting better and I've been sick since Friday and missed two days of work so far and who knows when I'll be well enough to go back? At least this way, I'll have seen a doctor and things should get better. At least I hope they get better. I really can't take this horrible sickness much longer - especially alone like this. Fuck.

In brighter news, today is the one-year anniversary of bringing home Mika from the SPCA. We're using the day we brought her home as her birthday.

her pic on the spca website

Aw...She's such a cutie. Since she was about three-ish when we adopted her, I've made this her fourth birthday. She's probably more like four-and-a-half technically, but what girl doesn't want a little bit taken off her age? *grins* I wanted to pick her up some tuna or something as a special treat for her, but with being so sick and too dizzy and stuff to drive (hence the help from the mom), I might have to miss out on her first anniversary with us. That sucks. Just another reason why being sick is miserable. Bah.

So anyway, I need to go and try to clean up at least a little bit. I'm a toxic waste dump right now (as is the apartment but there's just no way I feel well enough to clean it) and my mom will be here in a little over an hour to take me to the dr. Gods I hope I feel better soon. This is just hell. I can't remember when I was last this sick for this long. I'm so ready to feel halfway human again.

Monday, April 26, 2004

The Cold: Day Four
Still sick. Was able to better sleep last night though which is good. My nose has let up a little bit, but I'm in that stage of the cold where my ears are killing me. They're clogged and thick with pressure and ringing and the audio equivalent of seeing stars. I'm off-balance and dizzy from it and it stems from blowing my nose for three four days straight. The pressure in my head's all fucked up from it. I abhor this part of the cold because I can't stand when my ears are even more screwed up then normal. (I always have pressure issues. It's why I don't fly; I don't pressurize to the plane so I get hella nauseous.) I think I was running a fever again this morning but I took a shower and some ibuprofen and I think it's broken. It's weird though how feverish I've been this cold. I'm not normally so temperature challenged. I am really hungry today though so that's probably a good thing (though my Love's got the car and there's no food in the house so at the moment, I'm just starving.) I'm also running out of tissues. Dammit.

Wanna Play Questions?
Was nosing around amazon (been sitting on the couch all morning, thought I'd change scenery for a few) and for whatever reason I thought about an old movie I hadn't seen in years and wondered if it was on dvd yet. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Great damned movie. Excellent. And one of the reviews was so funny, I had to share it.
there are four criteria that need to be met for a person to like this movie. i have listed them below, in the form of easy-to-answer questions, so as to expedite the process of determining if you are, in fact, one of us:

1) are you breathing?
2) have you ever in the past read a book?
3) did you like it?
4) do you like those moving picture things that people sometimes call 'films'?

if you answered 'yes' to each of the above four questions, there's a 95.3% chance you'll refer to this movie as "inspired genius" after watching it. we've done the clinical testing, we've crunched the numbers. just believe us already.

hee hee Yeah, I think that sums it up. What SUCKS is that it IS available over in the UK! Damn them! Why haven't they released it here?? What I understand of it is that it's not actually region-coded so there's a good chance of getting to play on either a dvd-rom (which my Love has in his pc) or picking up any number of dvd players these days that aren't region-set to watch it. It would run about $28ish USD to get it but oh.....that'd be worth it for me. Anyone overseas want to pick up a copy for me and send it my way? Hell, people are selling it for about $17ish USD through the amazon marketplace. Grrr. Why is it not out here? I'm more then willing to try to find a damned way to get it to play on this side of the pond, I just need a copy. Bah.

Alright, I'm going to scrounge for something to eat. Preferably something without milk in it since I don't need to add to the phlegm situation. Ew.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Took a claritin yesterday so I could breathe. As always, it utterly and completely prevented me from sleeping last night. I thought I might have avoided the problem because it didn't make me shaky during the day like normal, but nope, I was up the entire fucking night.

And now today my nose is a non-stop torent of mucus and sneezing. Fuck this is miserable. Sure I could take another claritin and get some relief but I don't think I can take another night of tossing and turning. Though it's a close call with as much as my nose is utterly pissing me off.

How is there this much damned snot in my body??? And why does it insist upon coming out in thick, disgusting clumps? Arrrg.

I've already decided that there's no way in hell I'm getting up and heading into the temp job tomorrow. Fuck it. I've got a damned cold and I'm sick, miserable, achy and pissed off. Bah. Stupid damned wasted weekend.

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