Blogroll Me!
There are people on the net that have nothing better to do with their time
then be nasty to other people online. They post rude comments, spend hours
a day talking about sites they hate so much, that they well, spend hours a
day talking about them. (lame) They mock the owners and posters for their
opinions and their right to free speech. They expect everyone to fit into
their narrow-minded little world view or else they throw a temper tantrum.
To these people I say grow up.
Here's a bit of info people...the web is
a HUGE place. If you don't like what I say here, or who I am, or what I
do, or talk about, or what I look like, or the color of my hair, or
whatever asinine thing you dwell on, go somewhere else. It's
really, really easy. Honest. You just click the little "x" in
the corner of your browser and *poof* the offending, big, mean and nasty
site has disappeared.
I pay for this site. It's mine. That
means I can use it for whatever the hell I want to. Don't like it if I'm
bitching about something in my life? Oh fucking well. Go somewhere else.
Think I'm stupid for expressing my thoughts? Too fucking bad, don't read
them. Somewhere along the line, someone forgot this simple fact: Live
and let live Don't like me, cool, fine, whatever, I don't care.
This journal is NOT for you. It's for me. I'm not in it for popularity or
fame or anything stupid like that. I write it because I need to write and
express myself and get things out of my head sometimes. So read or don't,
it doesn't matter, but don't waste my time (or yours) bitching about it.
*gets off soapbox*
wishlist and mailing address
Saturday, February 12, 2005
And Really, Why Am I Surprised Anymore?
I'm having a bad You'll never guess what happened in the parking lot walking into the pet store to get cat food. The tooth on my right side bottom that developed a crack about two plus years ago broke. Yup. Pieces of crunchy tooth came away in my mouth. For the last several days everything has tasted like ass. Metallic taste in my mouth no matter what I do. Well, now I know why. About twenty years ago, I had a filling put in the tooth. I was like seven. It was my first one (of two now) and I had just moved to Florida. No problems, right? Until like two and change years ago when I noticed a crack in the tooth. I've basically babied that side, eating minimally and not hard things on that side because hell if I had the cash to fix it. And especially with no insurance. Well, today, the option to not fix it is no longer an option. A small piece is missing in the front of the tooth. You look at it and see 3 1/2 sides of tooth, filling and a hole. Nice. Anyone have a fucking clue how I'm supposed to afford to get this fixed? I need this like I need a hole in the head. (Which, Love pointed out is pretty much exactly what I have.) It's going to be hundreds of dollars to have it built back up and possibly capped. Joy of fucking joy. If it wasn't already abundantly clear, I don't have hundreds of dollars. I don't even have tens of dollars. Welcome to the wonderful, perpetual world of total fucking suck that is my goddamned life.