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Noah's Wish
There are people on the net that have nothing better to do with their time
then be nasty to other people online. They post rude comments, spend hours
a day talking about sites they hate so much, that they well, spend hours a
day talking about them. (lame) They mock the owners and posters for their
opinions and their right to free speech. They expect everyone to fit into
their narrow-minded little world view or else they throw a temper tantrum.
To these people I say grow up.
Here's a bit of info people...the web is
a HUGE place. If you don't like what I say here, or who I am, or what I
do, or talk about, or what I look like, or the color of my hair, or
whatever asinine thing you dwell on, go somewhere else. It's
really, really easy. Honest. You just click the little "x" in
the corner of your browser and *poof* the offending, big, mean and nasty
site has disappeared.
I pay for this site. It's mine. That
means I can use it for whatever the hell I want to. Don't like it if I'm
bitching about something in my life? Oh fucking well. Go somewhere else.
Think I'm stupid for expressing my thoughts? Too fucking bad, don't read
them. Somewhere along the line, someone forgot this simple fact: Live
and let live Don't like me, cool, fine, whatever, I don't care.
This journal is NOT for you. It's for me. I'm not in it for popularity or
fame or anything stupid like that. I write it because I need to write and
express myself and get things out of my head sometimes. So read or don't,
it doesn't matter, but don't waste my time (or yours) bitching about it.
*gets off soapbox*
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Stinky Ole Me
Owie. My damned neck and in turn head are seriously acting up. Yesterday and today it's just near constant, low-grade migraine. My neck has totally kinked up again. It's been exceptionally bad since Saturday. When we were at Disney, I was just floored by it basically pinching and it's only spread since then. So right now I'm covered in a bengay type cream on my neck plus a cooling roll-on gel on my forehead. Between the two, I'm freezing. And stinky. At least it's giving me something to focus on though instead of the ouchies. I'm so desperate I emailed the lady from the ren fair who does the moble massage to get a rate quote. I need to do something because it's just in that phase where it's completely pinched, knotted and out of whack even more then normal and it normally can take weeks for it to get better. At this point, I'm willing to eat Mac-n-cheese for the next couple weeks if it means I can get some relief. We'll see what she says. Anyway, not much more to say then that at the moment. In fact, I think I want to get ready and go to bed. Stupid head and neck hurting. Bah.