Weird Weather
This is the weather map for this afternoon throughout the US.
Jeez, the whole country is cold - it's snowing in Austin, Texas! - and we're pushing 80F today. Bah. Can't we have
some cold weather this so-called Winter?
Just wrapping up another day at the temp job. Got in here this morning. It's not really worth it since it's only 1.5 hours more and it means I have to get up at 8am instead of 11am, but... I guess $15 is $15, so I'll push through and try to get in here the rest of the week earlier too.
This afternoon, I was sitting here and got the worst feeling of being sick very suddenly. The phone rang and I actually had a hard time answering it because I thought I was going to throw up. I put the phone on "night" and ran to the restroom, sure I was going to lose it. Thankfully, it passed almost as quickly as it came, but jeez. Miserable how uncontrollable and unpredictable my system truly is.
American Idol starts again tonight. I admit it, Love and I have watched it all but one season. The auditions are just funny as hell and then, well, you get sucked in. It's one of my few "reality tv" guilty pleasures. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. I can use a good laugh.
Well, that's the quick recap. I have some photos I was going to post but since I can't even get them off my camera until I get a new cable or a card reader, it'll have to wait. Hope everyone's having a nice week.
~ snow falls on
:: miss m ::
at 1/16/2007 05:07:00 PM ~