29 year old Pagan
female who lives in Florida with her guy and two cats, loves Disney,
reads fanatically, tinkers in photography and believes growing up is
Help support Pet Cancer Awareness
I lost my beloved cat,
Kush, to cancer in 2003. Cancer is the #1 disease-related cause of death
for cats and dogs. With your support, together we can find a cure
Noah's Wish
Noah's Wish is a not-for-profit, animal welfare organization, with a
straightforward mission. We exist to keep animals alive during
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
"plum blossom" ver. 16
originally created 3/21/07 and designed for 1024x768
CSS capable browser Like
Spring Has Sprung! Today is officially the Vernal Equinox, otherwise known as the first day of Spring! In keeping with my tradition of changing my blog style at least seasonally, I'm publishing my changes right now to my new Plum Blossom theme.
I made a sunflower theme and this one but couldn't decide which to use. The sunflower was nice as well but definitely summer instead of spring. I put it to a vote on my LJ location (easier to insert a poll) and the majority said to go ahead and use the Plum Blossom despite my concerns it was a little funky.
More Cable Woes So the bad news is that last night we discovered that about 1/3 of our channels are so full of distortion and noise that they're unwatchable and another 1/3 are literally just black screens. It appears that it's the box that's gone bad though we can't be sure until they come for our appointment. Calling them Monday at 6pm, the first available time was THURSDAY from 11am - 2pm. Yes, THREE DAYS. Seeing as we pay for a cable box, the dvr service, HBO and digital cable, none of which we can use for this period (the "solution" in the meantime was to bypass the cable box entirely) I was, needless to say, quite frustrated about. Especially since this is our FIFTH service interruption in the past two months.
The good news is that Bright House called today to do a follow-up and when I explained the on-going problems to the rep, and that I haven't asked for credits despite being highly frustrated by the frequency of problems, she said she'd credit us a month's service. Who knew? Someone at that company is actually helpful. I also asked if they could notify me if there is a cancellation to get them out here sooner.
I'm still annoyed with having the vast majority of my channels being unwatchable or missing (leaving me with about 20 that currently work) and the continual problems that seem to plague us, but at least perhaps they might figure out if there's a more serious problem in the area itself that's causing us to experience so many issues. I'm also mad that if it IS my dvr box that's gone bad that I'm going to have to lose everything recorded to it. That really sucks.
I just hope that this cable insanity calms down because there's a lot of disruption to the day-to-day when your tv, internet, and telephone services are so unreliable.
Belated Birthday Wishes Bad M, no biscuit. I meant to post yesterday but it was my last day at the temp job and I was busy. So belated birthday wishes to Kjersti!