1st Ever Tampa
Flash Mob - August 16, 2003 @ Citrus Park Mall |
mob: n. A large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location, perform some brief action, and then quickly disperse |
Here you can see people sitting in chairs and mall shoppers starting to stop to see what it's about |
The mall rent-a-cops come by and start hassling people, telling them to stop making noise - with little effect |
a large crowd had gathered to see what was going on |
people applauding at the end as the final scripted event of the mob |
There was ONE thing that kept
it from being a perfect day: One asshole mall rent-a-cop |
Look like fun? Want to get in on the quirkiness and creativity of it? Here's some resources to find mobs planned for your local area: |
.:. giveneyestosee.com .:. journal .:. photos .:.