Today is 4 weeks since my surgery. It’s another benchmark in the recovery. Still no heavy lifting and I still have to take it slow and easy, but I’m allowed to do a little more than before. According to my discharge paperwork from the hospital: 4 to 6 weeks – Heavier activities – shopping, light…
Tag: tlh
Hematology Appointment Recap
So the appointment went well if not as slow as ever. Got there right at 2:45pm scheduled time and left around 4:30pm. At least this time I had my Mom with me so the time went by more pleasantly since I had someone to talk to and keep me company. They drew blood and I…
3 Weeks Post Op
Ok, I’m probably the only one excited about this, but today, three weeks post hysterectomy, all of my incisions are now scab-free and looking awesome!! I just got out of the shower were the belly button incision (by far the ugliest and largest of the cuts) shed it’s scab! I have a {quasi-normal} belly button…
Day 18 Post Op – Healing Incisions!
Last night, part of the scab on my belly button incision came off! I didn’t pull at it or pick at it or anything. I just pulled my pj’s down to look at my wounds and the bottom part just came right off. I was like EEK! But it’s fine. Another part in the “inner”…
Day 16 Post Op And Feeling Fine
I’m happy to say my two-week post hysterectomy day came and went and brought with it a nice relief from pain. My pain has changed from an all-encompassing deep ache to a more shallow general soreness. It’s much easier managed with ibuprofen and I went the entire day yesterday without a single painkiller. Just two…
I am ObamaCare
This is the ORIGIN of the “I am ObamaCare” picture. I’m the one who wrote it, photographed it and posted it on October 20, 2011. That’s me in the picture. This is my story. I never knew my simple “I am Obamacare” image would wind up all going viral on every corner of the web!…
Post Op Days 12 and 13
I know. I need to come up with better titles for these things. Sadly, pretty much all of my life right now is centered around healing from my surgery. So there’s not much to talk about that isn’t healing posts. LOL Probably getting boring. Sorry about that. Yesterday (day 12) my sister came over and…
1st Post Op Appointment
Met with my doctor today for my first post hysterectomy appointment. I last saw him a week ago when I he checked on me in the hospital and cleared me for discharge. Everything is going fine, he took a look at my belly and laughed at me for my linty incisions. I told him I…
Post Op – Day Six: A Bad Turn
Things were going well; progressing slowly but steadily forward until this afternoon. Today, I had a bad set back. There’s no way for this entry not to have some TMI but in order to explain what set me back, I need to explain what happened. Surgery of this nature leads to your bowels shutting down…
Post Hysterectomy – Day Five
Still hanging in there. Still swollen and sore. Weak but getting more mobility. Transitions continue to be easier. (Sitting to standing and standing to sitting.) Tried to cut back on my pain meds Saturday but it was too soon. That was a bad day pain wise until the percocet finally kicked in. Yesterday, I took…
Post Hysterectomy – Day Three
This is definitely going to be a longer, slower process than I realized. So many people reassured me that you feel so much better so quickly that I had let myself forget the severity of the surgery. This is MAJOR surgery. And there isn’t a part of my body unaffected by the process. Transitions are…