For the third year in a row, PayPal managed to screw up sending me my replacement Debit Mastercard. And managed to screw up the process of re-sending it to me as well. They blame it on my address but the address, as-is, works just fine for other things. Because the account is under the business name, PhoenixFire Designs, I had to put my last name on there somewhere or I wouldn’t get my mail. The only way it would let me do it is like this:
123 Street Name
Apt 123 ATTN: Turner
City, State, 12345
Not really that outlandish. But apparently, it completely foils the automated mailing for the debit card each and every time. In previous years, one lady was nice enough to just shove the whole thing in a new envelope and hand address it. But, this year – like last year – they had me cancel the one that works perfectly fine until the end of the month to request another new one. *sigh* So now, I can’t spend or access money in my PayPal except to transfer it to my bank account and wait 3-4 business days.
Why it has to be so damned difficult to get my replacement card I’ll never understand. But after three years of this, I should be resigned to the fact that’s just how it’s always going to be.
We’re luckier in this country in that mail doesn’t have to have a name on it, just as long as the address is there.