So Love's sick. I was 45 minutes away en route to the health department for an appointment yesterday when I got a call from Love's friend at work, Steve. Steve was driving Love home. It was about 12:30pm. Love had been uncontrollably throwing up, was really dizzy and kinda blacking out.
By the time I got home, poor guy had thrown up like two dozen times. I went to the store and got him some Gatorade, ginger ale, soup, crackers, etc. He got down some fluids and then was able to fall asleep.
Today, he's still dizzy and feeling nauseous so I called in today since I didn't want him here by himself. Our Fios install is today too and he wasn't sure he wanted to be here alone if he was going to get sick again. The Fios guy is supposed to be here anytime between the next 5 minutes and 3pm.
I'm exhausted and just wanted to sleep more this morning but sadly, no. We'll see how Love's doing today because if he starts puking again, I want to make sure he gets to the doctor. And, his car is still down at his work so we'll need to pick that up this evening. Hopefully, he'll be ok to drive since dizziness isn't really a good thing for driving.
Anyway, that's about it for now. More when I'm actually on my own network later today.