Just wanted to share some of the newest items available this week in the PhoenixFire Designs Shop. I’m trying to gear up for the holidays, so I am working on getting new pieces listed. Don’t forget, I gladly take custom orders as well! First up…It’s been over a year since I’ve offered one of my…
Month: November 2011
Bacon mayonnaise
Um… really what is there to say? Lol Posted via email from memoryanddream’s posterous
Five Weeks Post-Op
Today marks 5 weeks post-op since my hysterectomy. Things continue to progress well in terms of my healing. At least, how I feel. Next Thursday, I have my big 6 week appointment where they will let me know how things are healing internally. But, right now, all is pretty decent. The right incision is almost…
No Iron For Me
So today I was supposed to get my first of the iron infusions to help solve my anemia. But it not only didn’t happen, unless I get tons more money, it’s not going to happen either. I get there expecting to pay my $25 office visit but am told there is a $611 balance on…
Another night another bout of insomnia. I am laying in bed typing this on my phone unable to sleep. Ever since surgery I can't fall asleep. I lay here and my mind just spins and spins. I never used to have this problem; sleep has always been a friend to me. I would lay down…
Tweet! Tweet! (Today’s Daily Twitter Summary)
Sleeping kitties have taken over the bed. Its OK though, they're cutest when asleep! 🙂 http://t.co/GFwDoqpj 12:41:45, 2011-11-07
Tweet! Tweet! (Today’s Daily Twitter Summary)
3 of 5 stars to Drink Deep by Chloe Neill http://t.co/lXHkSgKQ 18:29:39, 2011-11-06 New blog entry: Quiet Weekend http://t.co/DbGsof7I 1 month post #hysterectomy just hanging with family, etc. 23:30:32, 2011-11-06
Quiet Weekend
Had a pretty laid-back, quiet weekend. Saturday, we slept in and had some little errands to run like dropping off the recycling and getting cat food. We rented Thor for $1 at the Blockbuster Express kiosk in the store so we watched that Saturday evening. It was pretty good. Sunday, I agreed to get up…
Tweet! Tweet! (Today’s Daily Twitter Summary)
Happy 56th anniversary of the #FluxCapaciter ! Its what makes time travel possible. Back to the Future on HBO all day today. 🙂 #bttf 20:15:42, 2011-11-05
Tweet! Tweet! (Today’s Daily Twitter Summary)
New blog entry: Waiting Game http://t.co/B47Uz3Jd Nothing better than wasting the whole afternoon waiting on the maintenance guy. *sigh* 16:05:42, 2011-11-04 This Week at #PhoenixFireDesigns http://t.co/PXuhCKkU #handmade #jewelry #gifts 22:28:08, 2011-11-04
This Week at PhoenixFire Designs
Added a few items to the shop this week so here’s a quick look at the new pieces. Chrome Diopside (“Russian Emerald”) in the deepest, richest emerald green is featured in this stunning Tree of Life pendant wire wrapped in sterling silver. Soft, pale yellow faceted citrine rondelle gemstones are the centerpiece of this Tree…
Waiting Game
So I was supposed to run to Micheal’s to get some supplies and the post office to mail out some packages today (including an international order which MUST go out during business hours) but instead, it’s almost 4pm and I’ve been sitting here ALL DAY waiting on the maintenance guy to show up. The toilet…
Belly Button Sensitivity – Normal
My darn belly button has been so tender and sensitive. It’s just so annoying to have anything brush/rub/push/touch it right now and has been for several days. So I called my doctor’s nurse just to make sure that was ok. (You know, a normal part of healing rather than a sign something is wrong.) She…
4 Weeks Post Hysterectomy
Today is 4 weeks since my surgery. It’s another benchmark in the recovery. Still no heavy lifting and I still have to take it slow and easy, but I’m allowed to do a little more than before. According to my discharge paperwork from the hospital: 4 to 6 weeks – Heavier activities – shopping, light…
Hematology Appointment Recap
So the appointment went well if not as slow as ever. Got there right at 2:45pm scheduled time and left around 4:30pm. At least this time I had my Mom with me so the time went by more pleasantly since I had someone to talk to and keep me company. They drew blood and I…