Not much going on right now; it’s very much same-old, same-old. Going to work, coming home, watching tv, being broke – not really a lot has changed.
I’ve been getting a bunch of compliments at work for helping the new girl with her training. That’s always nice. Still hate reading a script 6 hours a day but recognition and a few positive words do at least feel nice, you know?
It’s hot and miserable outside. (Of course.) Some days it’s almost unbearable. Truly, after 25 years here in Florida, I’m still not used to it and I think in fact, it’s honestly impossible to ever fully adjust. You know logically it’s going to happen, but it’s like intense pain – your mind blocks the true depths of it for your own sanity.
Last few days have been a lot of thunderstorms. It’s been thunder and lightning outside for hours today and still is currently. I don’t mind except when it makes the power flicker and brown out. That’s annoying. (Especially since it takes the cable box like 12 minutes to reboot.)
Both cars are working fine at the moment after their respective repairs. *knock wood* Now I just need things to settle down so I can start paying back the debt to get them fixed in the first place.
Dreaming of a vacation. Love and I haven’t been on one in like 10 years. (No, really.) The closest thing was a long weekend in July 2008 when we traveled with Love’s parents and brother to NC for his half sister’s wedding. It was more an extended family outing though versus a real vacation. Before that, our last trip was to New Orleans back when my sister still lived there around 1999 or 2000. Oy.
Stomach has been driving me nuts today. At least it’s on my day off but still. Jeez…enough already. I’ve been in the restroom like 6 times so far just this afternoon alone. (Yeah, TMI but still. I don’t know how else to politely express my discomfort and frustration at it when it gets this way.)
Alright well, since there’s really no point to this entry other than to say not much is going on, I think I’ll just go ahead and wrap up. Hadn’t written an entry in a bit so I thought I’d just post one of those “yeah I’m still around” entries.
Ta for now.