Here’s a very Florida moment for you… I’m sitting here on my computer in my master bedroom when I hear a chainsaw turn on. It’s VERY loud and it sounds like it’s right outside my window. So I go peek out and sure enough if there isn’t a guy with a chainsaw, standing on a cherry picker, trimming the palm tree directly outside my window!
If you’re not as familiar as I am with palm trees (having been a Florida resident for something like 27 years!), this is how you do it. You routinely have to trim back some of the fronds because they get wild and too thick for the tree. Palms keep growing upward out from the top and to make way for the continued growth of new fronds, you have to trim some of the lower ones. Then they look a little bald for awhile before growing back in. This one had gotten really bushy and shaggy. You can see all the “V” shaped bits ringing the top; those are old fronds that had previously been trimmed. It’s why palms have those rough layered bits going up the trunk.
I wish I had a before shot to show you. It’s funny though how much more I can see down to the ground now that it’s trimmed! It’s a whole new view.
Anyway, thought it was funny to see someone wielding a chainsaw three stories up right outside my window and figured I’d share.