So, yesterday (Saturday) we were Going To Go Out. Ok, not like anything fancy or interesting, but when you’re recovering from major organ-removing surgery, even small trips to the store are a Big Deal. Yesterday, (Day 17 post-op) I found a pair of denim capri pants that are normally too big and a little stretched out that I could actually fit into. Huzzah! It was the first time I’d managed to get one real pants since before surgery. (I was so excited over this, I even tweeted a silly picture showing the pants. )
Our goal was Lowe’s (for some clippers and possibly a larger trashcan), the flea market (for some agate slices for my pendants) and the bank. That’s not what happened though. We made Lowe’s (where we walked around WAY too much trying to find things and did come home with clippers but the trash cans were too expensive) and we did make the flea market (where I did find my agate slices.) But, when we came out of the flea market …. flat tire.
We drove across the street to the Hess. Tried to put air in it. No go. So we bought a can of fix-a-flat ($9) and that put enough in to get us down the road to Wal-Mart. (It being after 4pm on a Saturday, there were limited options for tire repair at that point and we couldn’t wait until Monday.)
Get to Wal-Mart, they look at the tire and declare it unrepairable. So we need a new one. How long will it take? We ask. Oh, 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Ok, at this point we tell him, Look. I’m fresh out of surgery. This is my first day wearing Real Pants. I’m tired and really can’t be walking around Wal-Mart for 2 hours. Can you PLEASE call us as SOON as it’s ready. I really need to go home? Sure, guy says. (Then proceeds to grill me about my diet, saying he’s a “Vegan Life Coach” and that fibroid tumors are a result of diet and I’m all like I don’t really care, dude, I don’t have a uterus anymore so PROBLEM SOLVED.
Wal-Mart has no places to sit. And, unlike the Super Target, doesn’t even have demo couches and stuff you can sit on. But then we remember the McDonald’s in the store and head up front and snag a booth. I get a drink and some fries and take my pain med. We then sit for the next hour or so.
No call on the cell or anything but they gave us this tag we can scan at price checkers to give the status update of the repair. So I ask Love to go check. Sure enough, “repair complete.” So we go pick up the Element, pay for the repair ($107 that was definitely not in this week’s budget) and head home.
So yesterday’s outing didn’t exactly go according to plan. We never even hit the bank. I was sore and tired but I only took one of my painkillers so that’s not too bad. Now I need to go get ready because today we are trying again for the bank.
I have an update for later about my incisions but this is long enough and I need to get going so I’ll close out here. Wish us better luck today!
Donation Shop:
My Shop:
Aw Geez, that’s just not what you need!
At least with our car this week, we were expecting a highish bill. But to get it slapped on you when money is already tight? YUCK-O!
and yay for stretch denim!