I just plugged my memory card for my DSLR into my computer to grab some jewelry photos off the card to edit and post. When I did, I was greeted by not the normal single folder, but two. And when I looked at the contents, I noticed that the reason for two is that I ran out of count on the first one. Meaning, I’ve now taken 10,000 pics with my camera!!

The images sequentially count up from 0001 through 9999. At that point, it makes a second folder and the count rolls back to 0001. Since May of 2012 when I got this camera until today, I’ve already taken 10,000 photos! Craziness! LOL
Apparently, the shutterclick life expectancy of the Canon EOS Rebel XS is about 100,000 so at the rate of 10,000/year I’m good to go for awhile yet.
It’s just amazing to me how quickly I managed to take 10k pics! It took me years to reach that count on my point-and-shoot. Just goes to show how much I’ve enjoyed taking more photos, more often with my DSLR!