Autumn It’s the first day of Autumn (even though there’s no such season here in Florida and around here, we’re still firmly in summer’s grip. Currently the feels-like temp is 95F/35.5C) but Happy Autumn Equinox and Mabon Blessings to all. Dentist Yesterday, Love was in agony with an infected and abscessed tooth, so we had…
Tag: phoenixfiredesigns
What’s New At PhoenixFireDesigns
I desperately need to drum up some sales. Things have been so slow for over a week now and I’m honestly panicking looking at the dwindling balance in my account. With surgery 16 days away (and counting!) and $600 still to go, PLUS trying to build a little bit of a safety net while I’m…
Run Down
I don’t know what it is lately, but the last few days, I’ve just been extremely tired, fatigued and just generally run down. I almost feel like I’m getting sick again but that doesn’t make sense and I don’t really think I am, but it’s that kind of general body ache/malaise where you have no…
Recent Shop Updates
I’ve added a few things in the past week or so to the shop and thought I’d just do a small post showing off the newer pieces. As always, I appreciate any links, or tweets or wall posts, etc. of my shop and/or items. In other words, if you want to share anything, THANKS! 🙂…
Huge PhoenixFire Designs Update
So I’ve spent the whole afternoon updating my shop! Wide variety of items in a range of prices. Here’s a peek at some of the items available. Click any image for more information about the item and how to buy it.