Following the flower macro photos from the other day, I had a request from my Mom (hi, mom!) to try some water in the shots. Hrm, sounds like a good idea!
So last night, I played around a bit with adding drops of water onto the petals and also floating the flower in water. Here’s two of the shots.
Click both for larger!

I think both of these came out pretty exceptional. The water was a good idea. I did all of these without a tripod. Last batch I did with the tripod but I felt that it was a hindrance in positioning of the camera. I’m pleased with the sharpness I was able to get even handheld.
I took something like 140 shots and I’m still going through them but I wanted to quickly share a couple. Thoughts appreciated!
Maybe you could try just one drop of water, and get the drop right in focus. looks good in my head 🙂