Hot on the heels of paying off two bills the other day, I get a collection notice. This is the remainder of the bill from the radiologist during my initial ER visit on May 29th.
I have less then 30 days to raise $188 to pay this bill off, or it goes on my credit.

So far, I’ve managed to keep these bills off my credit, through payments and other processes. I had been making payments on this one too but time’s up. I’m posting this in hopes of drumming up enough sales to quickly raise the money and eliminate this bill and prevent it from ruining my credit. Getting it paid in full means another creditor will be done and paid off completely.
Just three of my Full Moon Trees for example, would almost cover this bill. It’s not a huge amount at all. I know it’s doable. I just need to get some sales in earmarked for this payment.
I appreciate any links, tweets, or mentions of my shop to help bring people to it and thus raise the funds.
I know I can do this and get this bill paid and this weight and looming threat off my shoulders. Thank you for your support as always.
My Shop:
Alternately, you can use WePay for safe, secure donations as well.